Nedda's Blog

Litigation, Mediation, Consulting, Strategy, Conflict Management, Child Representation

Nedda’s Blog

Relax, the sun will rise.

This has been a hard week and it is only Wednesday. Mondays can be enough. Ironically lawyering was the easy part. The hard part was in my personal life, with my brain, with the people around me, those I love. I realized I was off and unsure why. Let’s be honest: I juggle a lot of balls. I won’t go through the list but it’s quite the list. Plus, I care. Caring adds a whole other level of energy. I am proud of every bit of what I accomplish, but it’s a whole ‘thing.’

I think the culmination of ‘life’ is hitting me. Imagine a volcano simmering year after year and then unexpectedly ‘boom!’ the explosion of lava comes spurting out, overflowing causing mass destruction. Covid did not help either. I was out of control. Who doesn’t like to be in control?? … I did not know what to expect and there was no end in sight, all of us living in the unknown in a world already with lots of unknowns.

So there I was, a massive confusion ball, barfing out lava everywhere. I don’t like being that person, so I do what I can to fix it. I talk to people, I read, I look to learn because who wants to feel that way and be an exploding volcano when there’s already lava flowing in the world? Not me, I don’t want to be that person.

In exposing myself and my struggle to others, I was met with kindness, love, attention, in all sorts of forms. I allowed that in and am building from it. How lucky am I to be surrounded with that kind of support? I think it speaks to what I give too… I will say though my lava explosion caused harm, and with that I did get a dose of who the ‘f’ do you think you are? How am I to navigate that? I will tell you: with the love that I have and has been given to me. It caused me to remember how the sun will rise day after day. So, take a breath, relax, focus, and get to it.

Because I am a divorce attorney, my heart goes to people going through divorce. They are in a massive lava storm. There are those that want the divorce, those that don’t, and sometimes it just has to happen. Their daily lives in divorce is just a whole other level of altered and hard. With lives that are already busy, now there is added schedule difficulties, the need to do extra work, managing hurt with others, adding in new personalities for new partners, etc etc. When the light bulb goes off with some that were firm that wanted the divorce and then they realize what the reality of it is, those moments sting. They simply just did not know what they were asking for. Logically they knew, but they had no understanding or appreciation of the result. No matter what, my heart goes out to you if you are in this stage.

Wherever you are in your journey, be it getting married, married, the kid phase, body changes, going through tough times, sick, divorce, chaos, post-divorce, please realize you are going to be an exploding volcano at times. It’s normal, it’s life. I talk to tons of people and each one has gone through what I go through, in all sorts of variations. Some don’t talk and you know they have been through it too. You have to make space for those wanting to help you, love you, and show you their love in all sorts of ways, and use that to simmer down. If you simmer down, that gives you strength to think, be free, and be available to the world. And then, when you wake up the next day, you will see that the sun did in fact rise, and you have yet another chance to act on being the person you want to be. And like the sun, you too will rise.

Nedda Ledgerwood